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Wellness area in Este (PD)
Construction of a wellness area in the center of Ester (PD), bearing structure in 12cm thick blockbau. Year of construction 2017. Thanks...

Residential building in Marsciano (PG)
Construction of a residential building in Marsciano (PG), supporting structure in Xlam, 12cm thick; Alubeam development approximately 52...

Villa in Ecuador
Construction of a luxury residential building "Selva Alegre" in Ecuador with a highly irregular plan; supporting structure in plateform...

Handcrafted building in Sarego (VI)
Renovation of a building for artisan use with expansion of the premises in Sarego (VI); Xlam structure, 10cm thick; Year of construction...

Residential building in Scorzè (VE)
Construction of a new single-storey single-family residential building in the municipality of Scorzè (VE), supporting structure in Xlam,...

School building in Barga (LU)
Construction of the new headquarters of the hotel management institute in Barga (LU); supporting structure in Xlam, 12cm thick;...
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