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Dati tecnici


Design services

Thermal analyses

As part of the research and development of the Alufoot® fastening system for wooden buildings, various analyzes were carried out, which had the aim of comparing the thermal behavior of traditional construction systems (concrete curb) and the thermal response of the system with Alufoot® curb in terms of thermal transmittance U, expressed in W/m2K.​

analisi termiche Alufoot

Mechanical tests

For the study of the mechanical behavior of the AlufootⓇ fastening system for wooden elements, both numerical analyzes and experimental tests were carried out in the laboratory of the ICEA Department of the University of Padua, which had the purpose of evaluating the behavior of the system to distributed compressive loads, concentrated compressive loads, shear loads and vertical tensile stresses induced by seismic action.

prove meccaniche Alufoot

Design support

The Alufoot® staff provides constant support to the designers and technicians of the sector, with commitment and competence. In addition to the documentation relating to the individual products that make up the system, Alufoot® offers a technical consultancy service to support the designer and offer optimal solutions, developed specifically for each creation.

The Alufoot® staff can create the relative graphic documentation on the Client's instructions (plan of the Alubeam profile, with indication of the brackets and fixings, and production lists of the profile); alternatively, the designer can manage these aspects independently, with the help of the following specially prepared typological files.​

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Operational headquarters:Via Terraglio n.14 - 31022 Preganziol - TV - ITALY

VAT number: 04069220244


Phone: 375-6292151 -0422 1784956

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